Board of Developmental Disabilities

Monroe CBDD Final Logo Main 2022     


47011 S.R. 26 P.O. Box 623
Woodsfield, Ohio 43793
Phone (740) 472-1712
Fax (740) 472-1684
(740) 213-2963

Administrative Office Hours
8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Monday - Friday
Jessica Price - Superintendent

Administrative Staff

Daniel Lollathin - Facilities/Transportation/Housing Director
Jodi Shafer - Administrative Assistant to Superintendent and Business Manager
Misty Dierkes - Service and Support Administrator

Karrie Lafferre - Service and Support Administrator
Misty McGirr - Service and Support Administrator

Michelle Black - Service and Support Administrative Assistant/Office Assistant
Barb Marmie - Program Nurse/Community Educator/Early Intervention Service Coordinator

Who Benefits
The Monroe County Board of DD funds the basic, essential needs of eligible people with developmental
and ensures their health, safety and well-being. Supports can begin at birth and continue
a person’s entire life, 24/7, 365 days per year. Supports are delivered by various providers
we help people choose the provider that is right for them.  We also monitor the
supports to make sure people are satisfied with what they are receiving.

Who Administers the Program
            Seven community leaders, including parents of enrollees are appointed by the County
           Commissioner and Probate Judge to the Board, which plans for all programs
and sees that qualified staff is hired to provide services.
Monroe CBDD 2022 Board Members rev
L-R  Front:  Terri Cook,  Donna Craig; Board President,  Brittany Betts; Board Secretary
Back:  Rev. Susan Lehosky,  Francis (Sonny) Block,  Amanda Blackstone;
  Board Vice-President



(Student placement for Monroe Achievement Center is determined by the local school district).

Birth to age 3:  Early Intervention Services
MCBDD offers Early Intervention Services to eligible children free of charge to help
them reach developmental milestones.

To make a referral for a child birth through age 2 for Early Intervention services: 
Referrals can be made by either logging on to the Ohio Early Intervention website at and clicking on the “Refer Now” link
or by calling 1-800-755-4769.  
You can also contact the Monroe CBDD Early Intervention
Service Coordinator by calling (740) 472-1712.  

For ages 3-5 years old:  Service Coordination
Documentation of at least two developmental delays or established risk.
This can usually be  documented through the child’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP),
Evaluation Team Report, or medical records.

Ages 6 and up:   Service Coordination
Families of individuals ages 6 years and older may qualify for
a Service and Support Administrator to assist them with planning. 
To determine eligibility, please contact (740) 472-1712

County Board Eligibility:  An Overview

Ages 6 to 15:  Service Coordination
Children ages six to 15 may be eligible for services from the Monroe County Board of
Developmental Disabilities Services if they exhibit substantial functional limitations
in at least three of the following areas of major life activity as determined
by the Children's Ohio Eligibility Determination Instrument (COEDI):

          Self-care, Receptive and expressive language, Learning, Mobility
Self-direction, Capacity for independent living
Eligibility must be re-determined at age 16 for continued services.

Ages 16 and older:  Service Coordination, Adult Services, Residential Services
Individuals age 16 and above may be eligible for our services if they exhibit significant
functional limitations in at least three of the following areas of major life activity
as determined by the Ohio Eligibility Determination Instrument (OEDI):

        Self-care, Receptive and expressive language, Learning, Mobility
         Self-direction, Capacity for independent living,  Economic self-sufficiency

In addition to the functional limitations listed above, individuals must reside in
Monroe County, and must have documentation verifying that their disability
occurred during the developmental years.

The following document(s) may be required to verify an individual’s disability
prior to receiving an eligibility screening:

Psychological evaluation,  Evaluation Team Report from the school
Individual Education Plan (IEP) from the individual's school, Medical evaluation
Admission/Discharge summaries from hospitalization(s)

Who to Call
To make a referral to begin the eligibility process,
please contact us at (740) 472-1712.