Monroe County Recorder's Office

Ann Block
101 N Main Street Room 20
Woodsfield, OH 43793
Mailing Address:
PO Box 152
Woodsfield, OH 43793
Phone: 740-472-5264
Fax: 740-472-6069
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00-4:00
 Allyson Cox:
Tammy Haslam:  
Tonja Schumacher:

Recorder Office Price increase_cropped

Monroe County Ohio now e-Records!

The Monroe County Ohio Recorder accepts electronically recorded documents. Many Monroe
County Recorder office customers such as: mortgage companies, attorneys, banks and title companies can upload and submit documents. Some savings can be realized in postage and paper. Documents, after eRecording, are returned to the customer via their submitter. Only those document types accepted for
recording through the regular mail are also acceptable for eRecording.

Monroe County Ohio currently accepts eRecordings from four submitting vendors. To compare prices and to begin eRecording with our office, contact:

Standardization Guidelines