Small Claims

101 North Main Street, Room 12
Woodsfield, Ohio 43793
Only the top half of the form is required to be filled out. A brief description of the information needed is as follows:
(1)   The complete mailing address and telephone number of the plaintiff and
        the defendant; (if phone numbers are not provided the court cannot contact
         you in the event of continuance or changes in the court's schedule)
(2)   A brief statement of the claim, including any copies submitted as exhibits
(3)   The amount due, plus the beginning date of interest and the interest rate
        (legal rate of interest is 4%)
(4)   The Complaint must be signed by the plaintiff and notarized or you can sign
        the Complaint in person in front of the clerk or deputy clerk
(5)   The monetary limit for the complaint is Three Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00)
(6)   The filing fee is Fifty dollars ($50.00) payable to the Monroe County Court
       for each complaint when it is filed with the court.
Note: The cause of action must have occurred in Monroe County or the defendant, the person you are suing, must live in Monroe County.  If neither of these applies, this Court does not have jurisdiction.
The Clerk will then complete the bottom half of the form and mail a copy to the plaintiff and the defendant with the assigned court date and time.  If you have any further questions, you can reach the Court at (740) 472-5181.