Plat Books and Road Records
The data in the Engineer and Recorders Plat Books has been georeferenced as a point file called Plats and Surveys on our GIS Viewer. These points indicate a plat that correlates to the parcel which it sits. Simply search for your area, turn on the Plats and Surveys Layer and click on any point to see more information and a direct link to the associated plat.
Engineers Office Plat Books - These books contain property surveys and town plan plats prior to 1975. With these books you must have a reference to a book and page to know where certain information is. If you do not have any reference, there are two index books which can be used in order to find specific entries.
Recorders Office Plat Books - These books contain recorded plats of towns, properties, some roads, subdivisions and additions. These books are originally kept and maintained by the Recorders Office. Throughout these books are indexes for each letter group (i.e. A, B, C, etc...) to make finding a specific area easier. Now included in this archive are the maps from the Plat Cabinet A.
Road Records - These books contain the old surveyors field notes and information on various roads in the county. This information consists mostly of bearings and distances for when the road was first established. In order to find information for a current road in these books you must know the name the road had at the time it was established. Which is not necessarily what it is called currently. Most of the time it was the name of the family that lived on the road or the landmark that the road followed.
Seven Ranges Survey Books - These books contain field notes and distances from the surveyors that did the original Seven Ranges Survey. Which was the initial survey that divided south-east Ohio into ranges, townships and sections. For more information on the Seven Ranges Survey click HERE
Engineers Office Plat Books - These books contain property surveys and town plan plats prior to 1975. With these books you must have a reference to a book and page to know where certain information is. If you do not have any reference, there are two index books which can be used in order to find specific entries.
Recorders Office Plat Books - These books contain recorded plats of towns, properties, some roads, subdivisions and additions. These books are originally kept and maintained by the Recorders Office. Throughout these books are indexes for each letter group (i.e. A, B, C, etc...) to make finding a specific area easier. Now included in this archive are the maps from the Plat Cabinet A.
Road Records - These books contain the old surveyors field notes and information on various roads in the county. This information consists mostly of bearings and distances for when the road was first established. In order to find information for a current road in these books you must know the name the road had at the time it was established. Which is not necessarily what it is called currently. Most of the time it was the name of the family that lived on the road or the landmark that the road followed.
Seven Ranges Survey Books - These books contain field notes and distances from the surveyors that did the original Seven Ranges Survey. Which was the initial survey that divided south-east Ohio into ranges, townships and sections. For more information on the Seven Ranges Survey click HERE